Skills That Law Schools Doesn’t Teach

By Vkeel Team

Lawyers are one of the most categories of professionals globally. They are the one who helps the deceived or aggrieved person to get the justice from the battleground known as the courtroom. Other the this, they are the one who helps the common people to get their legal work done with convenience and make sure that all the legal work such as selling deed, drafting of wills, issuing of various legal documents etc. take place without failing to obey or follow law and provisions of law at even a single point. Law schools are the institution where the process of growth of a student as a lawyer begins. At law schools only, students of law learn various laws rules and cover all those aspects there which are mandatory for becoming a lawyer as per “the Advocates Act, 1962”.

Law schools are the premises where the seed of becoming a lawyer is sworn by the student and there only within some time and by the nutrients of study, hard work and knowledge, the seed becomes a plant. But the real job of the tree along with providing other benefits is to provide fruits. And in a lawyers’ life, the real job is to serve as a lawyer on its own and for this, a set of skills is required. People believes that all the mandatory skills are taught at the law school to the lawyers. But the fact is that law schools taught a person or student all the important aspects of law but the real aspects of being a lawyer are not taught by them. These aspects include all those important skills and qualities that need to become a lawyer as in a law school students get familiar with the law but not with the profession called “Advocacy”.

If we consider the general world, then we will find that there are a number of skills that must be taught by the law schools. But there are some key skills which are not taught by law schools and first of all such key skills is HOW TO BE A LAWYER. Law schools are the place where a person totally dwells into law. This means that they make one work mentally like a lawyer as like they teach how to read, think, write like a lawyer. But they don’t teach how to accomplish all that work that is done by a lawyer. The real hook and crooks of the practical world and the nuts and bolts of the real practice of daily practice are ignored from the curriculum of law schools.

The other key skill is COMMUNICATION SKILLS. The importance of communication skills is so much in every profession and for lawyers, it’s their communication skills only that help them to get new clients and it’s the communication skills only that helps them to win a case in the court. But all such highly pre-requisite skill to become a lawyer is taught in law schools. CAREER PLANNING is the skill that comes up third in the list of key skills which are not taught by law schools. Future career planning is what everyone must do in their life. It is found that there are always career counselling offices at law schools but are they long-term focused? The answer is no as they only aim at getting the right job for their student. But, the real truth is that every lawyer must not plan or think for a year but their planning must be long term.

The skill of MANAGING FINANCES comes last in the set of key skills that law schools don’t teach. Finance or money is what for which everyone is working. The tendency of earning of the lawyer is high and moreover, there are generally some cases which require a bilateral understanding of finance along with the law. But since no law school teaches such elective skill to their students, hence, lawyers fail in accomplishing what they are capable of.

Someone has stated that “If you try to catch all the rabbits at a single time in a field, you will end catching none.” Thus, this meaning that grasping all the knowledge of the world is not possible and also not suggested to anyone either. But there are some required key skills attached with every job or profession in which everyone performing such job should be accomplished with. But the bitter truth is that these skills are not exactly taught where the knowledge of profession is given. Thus, there is an urgent need of covering such skills also in the curriculum so as to convert a student totally into the lawyers in the law school only.

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